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Library Policies


To provide the residents of the Fort Kent area with up-to-date reading materials, such as required for self-improvement, education, or enjoyment.

To provide a location for the dissemination of such materials as deemed appropriate by the librarian and the Board of Trustees. Materials will be treated equally.

To serve the area residents with references and resources and keep those materials as up to date as possible.

To serve all area residents with equal status.

It is the mission of the Fort Kent Public Library to offer the best materials and services within the libraries means.

Library Board of Trustees


A Board of Trustees will govern the Library. The Board will be managerial as well as policy making.

The Board is all volunteer and self-governing. A full Board consists of 11 members; any vacancy will be filled by nominations from the Board. Members are appointed to indefinite terms. The Board will have a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Meetings will be called by the Chairman when deemed necessary or by the request of any Board member. There will be a minimum of one meeting quarterly.

The Board shall establish all positions necessary to run the Library, set wages and benefits for

all personnel.


The Board shall select, appoint, and when necessary, release personnel with due cause.

The responsibility of the Board will be to oversee the financial business of the Library, the building, the grounds as well as the general welfare and future of the Library. The Board will oversee and support the librarian in charge.


Adopted ?/??/??

Revised 6/??/1978

Revised 11/06/2002

Reviewed 10/06/2004

Revised 9/12/2007




The Selection of Library materials include all materials both of a print and non-print nature.


The Selection of materials will be done without any personal opinion of prejudice of the Librarian, Staff or Board of Trustees. Materials will be selected on value using informed sources as guidelines. Patron recommendations are encouraged.


The Selection of materials may use the following criteria:

  • Individual merit

  • Popular appeal/demand

  • Suitability

  • Existing holdings

  • Budget


The Objective of the Library is to implement, enrich, and support the educational needs as well as the recreational literary needs of the community and to provide equal service to all patrons.


The Objective of the Library is to cooperate with other libraries and similar institutions in the community.

The Responsibility of discarding books and resources falls to the librarian.


The Responsibility of the librarian regarding challenged materials shall be as follows: All challenged materials shall require formal written complaints using the “Statement of Concern About Library Resources" form obtained from the librarian. No materials will be removed from the shelves without due process. All complaints will be considered and reviewed by the librarian and the Board of Trustees.


The librarian is responsible to the Board of Trustees concerning expenditures and library procedures.


Adopted 11/06/2002

Revised 06/07/2017




These general rules are in place to make the Library accessible to all patrons and to serve all patrons equally.


Patrons: The Library has two categories of patrons: adults, 18 years and older, and juniors, 17 years and younger. The same general rules apply to both adults and junior cardholders. Juniors must have a parent/guardian's permission to obtain a library card. Adults need to show a form of identification to obtain a library card. There is no charge for a library card. 


Circulation: The borrowing period will be two weeks on all materials, except video/DVD movies will have a seven day borrowing period. There is a 4 book limit per cardholder. Videos/DVDs are lent to adults only and 3 videos/DVDs per household.


Fines: All regular materials have a 5-cent per day fine for late materials. Materials are considered late if returned after Library hours on the due date (even if returned in the book depository). Videos/DVDs have a $1.00 per day fine for late materials, including weekends. Patrons owing more than $2.00 in fines must clear the charges before borrowing new materials. (See “Borrowing Materials Policy")


Reserves: Books, materials and Internet computer time may be reservEd in person or by telephone.  VCR/DVD movies may not be reserved.


Renewals: Books and materials may be renewed in person or by telephone for another lending period of two weeks. VCR/DVD movies are not renewable.


Damaged Materials: Damaged materials are the responsibility of the cardholder and must be reported and cleared from the patrons' records. The cost of damaged materials will depend on the material itself. Restitution is required by the borrower (or in the case of a minor the parent/legal guardian) for any damaged materials.


No food, gum or drinks allowed in the Library.


The Library is a place for all people and proper behavior is expected. Removal from the Library for inappropriate behavior may occur. The librarian in charge may request a person to leave. The librarian may request help from the police department if necessary.


Adopted ??/??/????

Reviewed 10/06/2004

Revised 6/16/2011




The Library will serve residents of the Fort Kent area.


In registering for a library card, the applicant must provide their legal address and phone number. They must also indicate that they understand the responsibilities of being a patron of the Library. Any changes in library card information must be reported to the Library.


The use of the Library and its services may be denied for due cause.


Such causes may be failure to return books or materials, failure to pay penalties accessed, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons or any objectionable conduct on library premises.


Continuing failure to return books or materials by a patron will result in the following process:


Step l...Notification by telephone of overdue materials will be made within one week of the overdue date. There will be a reminder call each week for three weeks.


Step 2...If materials are not returned and fines are not paid after the above telephone notifications, a  notice by mail will be sent to the patron.


Step 3...After the mail notice has been sent and there is no response, the library will bill you for overdue, lost or damaged items.


Step 4...If there is no response, borrowing privileges and library access are suspended until all

applicable fines and fees are paid. Reinstatement of library privileges will be approved

by the library board.


Adopted 06/??/1988

Revised 11/06/2002

Revised 10/06/2004

Revised 09/12/2007

Revised 06/07/2017




Borrowers must have a valid library card for which no materials or fines are outstanding.


Borrowers must be at least 18 years of age.


There is a limit of three videos/DVDs per family or household.


The loan period for a movie is seven days. If returned late there is an overdue fine of $1.00 per day per movie (including weekends). Videos/DVDs will be due at the end of the library workday (example: Monday 5 pm, Wednesday 8 pm).


Videos/DVDs cannot be renewed or reserved.


Videos/DVDs must be returned in good condition. In case of toss, theft, or damage the patron will be charged full replacement cost of the video/DVD.


The Library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to a borrower's VCR/DVD player by a

Iibrary video/DVD.


Copyright laws limit our videos/DVDs to home viewing only and prohibit their duplication.


Please report any damage to the cassette tapes or discs.


We appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep the video/DVD collection in good condition for all to enjoy.


Adopted 9/02/1997

Reviewed 11/06/2002

Revised 10/06/2004

Revised 6/16/2011

Revised 8/21/2013




The Fort Kent Public Library provides free access to the Internet as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for our patrons and the general public.


The Fort Kent Public Library disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to, or use of information obtained through the Internet, or any consequences thereof. Access, use or dissemination of information via the Internet in the library is the responsibility of the patron. The library assumes no responsibility for any damage; direct or indirect, resulting from the use of its computers and Internet service.


Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for their child's use of the Internet. Anyone under 18 years of age, along with a parent or guardian, must sign the Wi-Fi and Computer User Sign In sheet. Children who have not yet entered high school must have a parent or guardian with them at the computer terminal. The library encourages parents to work with and closely supervise their child's Internet sessions and to read the online brochure, Child Safety on the Information Highway ( To address issues of safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of electronic communication, parents and guardians should urge minors to follow basic safety guidelines:

- Never give out personal information such as name, address, phone number etc.

- Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone via the computer.

- Never respond to messages that are threatening, obscene, suggestive or make you uncomfortable.


In order to receive federal funding for public Internet service through the Maine School and Library Network the library uses a Web filtering software on the public access computers. Our users are reminded that the library's ability to restrict access and exposure to inappropriate matter that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors referred to by CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) is subject to the limitations of the filtering software. Adults may request that the filter be disabled by a library employee.


Users may use the Internet for research and to access information for their educational, vocational, cultural and recreational needs. Any use of the computers for illegal, inappropriate or obscene purposes, which includes, but is not limited to, child pornography; harassment of others; identity theft; "hacking" or compromising system security; or in support of such activities is prohibited.

Users may use the Internet for E-mail as long as they use a free Email service. The library is unable to manage Email accounts for individuals.


Users must sign in/out at the front desk before using the computer.


Use of the computers is limited to one hour per day per person; additional time may be scheduled if needed and if not reserved by another patron. Patrons may reserve computer time in person or by phone.


Patrons are responsible for all printing from computers. Copyright laws will be observed. Printing costs 25 cents per page. U.S. Copyright law fTitle 17 U.S. Code)


Installing downloading or modification of software on Iibrary computers is prohibited. Users will not change any settings or cause damage to computer equipment programs or peripherals. User-created files may not be saved on the library computers. The library will remove files that are saved.


No personal disks, flash drives, thumb drives are allowed in a library computer.


Any misuse or abuse of computers, equipment or Internet will result in immediate cancellation of user privileges.



  • The library provides fact sheets and brochures (Heads Up, Stop, Think Click) about Internet safety.

  • Develop rules and procedures to ensure fair and reasonable use of the Internet.

  • Monitors compliance with CIPA Requirements and other regulations.


CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) provisions

  • Access by minors to inappropriate matters on the Internet and World Wide Web.

  • The safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of

  • direct electronic communication (including instant messaging).

  • Unauthorized access, including "hacking," and other unlawful activities by minors online.

  • Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.

  • Measures designed to restrict minors' access to material harmful to minors.


Harmful to minors:

Any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

  • Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;

  • Depicts, describes or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, and actual or simulated sexual act or sexual conduct, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and

  • Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.


Adopted 6/16/2011

Reviewed 8/21/2013




The Fort Kent Public Library offers free wireless Internet access for your laptop computer and other wireless devices.


To access the wireless network at the library you will need a laptop computer or a personal digital assistant (PDA) equipped with a Wi-Fi compliant (820.11 a, b, g) wireless card or a laptop with built-in Wi-Fi capability.


Printing is not available using the Library's wireless connection.


Limitations and Disclaimers


The wireless internet access we offer is unfiltered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree to abide by the Library's Internet use and Safety Policy.


The Library's wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your laptop computer or

other wireless device can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. Wireless users should not transmit sensitive data such as their credit card information, social security number and passwords or any other personal information while using this or any public wireless network. All wireless access users are individually responsible for maintaining current virus protection on personal laptop computers or wireless devices. Virus, security and privacy protection are not provided by the Library.


The Fort Kent Public Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop

computer and other wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library's wireless network.


Individuals are responsible for their own equipment, Users must keep their equipment with them at all times. The Library is not responsible for damage, theft or loss of personal property or software used in the Library.


Library staff is not able to provide any technical assistance. There is no guarantee that a wireless connection will be made.


The user should bring a fully charged battery as electrical outlets are limited.





Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are

requested. Therefore, Fort Kent Public Library offers interlibrary loans using the

Northern Library District Program through Bangor Public Library, part of the Maine

State Library System. The Library will request materials for patrons of the Fort Kent

Public Library, requesting that one way postage be paid upon receiving the requested

materials. The patron agrees to respect the borrowing rules of the lending library, agrees

to pay any cost required by the lending library. Materials borrowed through interlibrary

loans are the responsibility of the patron to return to this library irr a proper and timely

fashion and in the same condition as lent. If there is damage to a borrowed item the

patron assumes the cost of replacement.





The room is available to individuals or organized groups in the Library service area.

Exceptions may be made by the Librarian or Board upon consideration of their application.


The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies or beliefs by the Library staff or Board.


The room may be reserved no more than 30 days in advance. The room is available during regular Library hours only.


It is understood that Library programming will have first priority in room use.


There will be no charge for non-profit groups and a $10.00 fee for others to cover the costs of utilities.


There will be NO admission charged for ANY activity held in the conference room.


Refreshments may be served and shall be the responsibility of the group, only non-alcoholic beverages are allowed. NO smoking is allowed in the Library building.


The people using the room shall leave it in a neat, clean and orderly condition, if not, the group/individual will be given notice that continued offense will result in denied access to the meeting room.


The Library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials clothing or other items brought to the Library by any group/individual attending a meeting.


The Library Board and staff do not assume any responsibilities for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the Library.


A request for "room use" application must be signed and on file prior to the event.







Date requested______________________       Date of application______________________


Time Requested_____________________


Type of organization: Civic_____ Educational_____ Social_____ Religious_____ 

                                  Other (please describe)____________________________


Purpose of meeting________________________________________________


Contact person____________________________________________




Estimated number to attend_______________________


It will be the responsibility of the applicant to set up the conference room to the

meeting's needs, and to return the room to a clean, neat condition. It will be the

responsibility of the applicant to accept liability for any damages to facilities and/or

equipment while in their care.


The Library will not be held responsible for any materials or equipment left in the

conference room.


There will be a $10.00 charge for room use to cover the cost of utilities. Non-profit

groups will be waived.


All applications are subject to the Board of Trustees’ approval.


Signature of applicant___________________________________________________




Adopted 11/06/2002

Reviewed 10/06/2004

Reviewed 5/31/2018

Deleted 5/31/2018




User must be grade 7 or older. Under that age, an adult must be present at all times.


No commercial tapes are allowed. Outside tapes must be approved by the librarian.


Viewing of school project tapes must be verified in writing by the teacher.


No smoking and no food are allowed.


The outside door is NOT to be used except in an emergency.


For the comfort of all the sound level will be kept at the 27/28 level or lower.


The video equipment is a privilege granted by the library and any misuse or abuse of the privilege may mean a revocation of the patron's library privileges.


Thank you for your cooperation in using the TV/VCR equipment.


User's pledge…


I____________________________agree to use the VCR/TV unit with respect and care.

           (Please print name)


I will leave the equipment in good condition.







Adopted 11/06/2002

Reviewed 10/06/2004

Revised 9/12/2007




The Fort Kent Public Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations in support of the library system and its collections and services.


The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the library reserves the right to distribute them to other libraries, donate them, sell them, or discard them. The same criteria of selection, which are applied to purchased materials, are applied to gifts.


Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted, with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library on request, when no specific book is requested, the librarian will select an appropriate book.


Memorial Fund donations will be placed in a special account designed for library improvement.


The library will acknowledge receipt of gifts, but will not appraise or estimate the value of gift donations. The responsibility for such assessment lies with the donor.







Bulletin board materials may be submitted for posting by nonprofit organizations for civic, educational, or cultural purposes. Such organizations may submit literature publicizing a specific event. Limited space generally allows only short-term notices.

The librarians must approve all postings and may prohibit postings, which do not meet library standards. Library staff will place and remove postings promptly.


A request for the return of items, along with the name and telephone number of the person to be contacted, should be printed on the back of each article. Unless such arrangements are specified, items must be picked up the day following the date of the publicized event if the owners want them returned. Otherwise, the library will not be responsible for returning materials.






As an educational and cultural institution, the Fort Kent Public Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The librarian shall accept or reject materials offered for display based on its suitability and availability.


The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection, and no liability for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the Library are there at the owner's risk.


Areas available to the public for displays and exhibits are the glass exhibit case, the meeting room, and the general bulletin board. The exhibitor must sign a release before any artifact can be placed in the Library.






I, the undersigned, hereby lend the following works of art or other material to the Fort

Kent PublicLibrary for exhibit purposes only. In consideration of the privilege of

exhibiting them in the Library, I hereby release said Library from responsibility for loss

damage, or destruction while they are in the possession of the Library.


Exhibition to be held in the_________________________________________________




Description of materials loaned___________________________________________________



Signature_____________________________________ Date_______________________






Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinions.

Patrons requesting that a book or materials be removed from the collection must complete a "Statement of Concern About Library Resources" form obtained from the librarian. The completed form will be submitted to the full Board of Trustees at its next meeting. The Board reserves the right to request that the person filing the "Statement of Concern About Library Resources" form be available to address the Board in person.













_______Book     _______Audio-Video    ______Magazine 

_______Content of Library Program       ______Newspaper 




Author/Publisher or Producer/Date______________________________________________


1. What brought this resource to your attention?


2. To what do you object? Please be as specific as possible.


3. Have you read or listened or viewed the entire content? lf not, what parts?


4. What do you feel the effect of the material might be?


5. For what age group would you recommend this material?


6. In its place, what material of equal or better quality would you recommend?


7. What do you want the Library to do with this material?


8. Additional comments

Fort Kent Public Library

1 Monument Square

Fort Kent, ME, USA 04743



Tuesday 12 to 5

Wednesday 1 to 7

Thursday 12 to 5

Friday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Sunday & Monday CLOSED


Phone: 207-834-3048


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