The ASL Class Returns by Popular Demand
Paint, Rocks and Children, Oh My!
The Harry Potter Train Was In the Station
The Library's Big Honkin' Telescope
October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month
Eagle Scout and Troop Builds Picnic Table at the Fort Kent Public Library
No Boredom allowed at Children's Story Time
Rocks, Socks and Paints at Saturday's Children's Story Time
American Sign Language at the FKPL
Halloween Weekend Fundraiser Used Booksale
"The Nutty Nut Chase" at FKPL
Children's Story Time highlights a well-known author on Saturday
Visit the Underground Book Store During UMFK's Homecoming
Good books for Story Time
Miss Rory Returns for Story Time!
An awesome volunteer of
Children's Story Time Title Reveal
Great Turnout for Bess the Book Bus
Children's Story Time - The Awesome Update
Wynken, Blynken and Nod are the stars of Children's Story Time
Support FKPL Today!