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FKPL Newsletter - 15 September '22


The Librarian’s Messy Desk

The big news, of course, is that we now have a working website. If you visit, you will find our site. It shows off our event and program calendar, latest library news and our online catalog. You can also make donations or sign up to be a volunteer.

We'll be adding more material, stories and links to the website as we explore how our patrons tend to use it.

It’s been an interesting three weeks since the last edition of the newsletter. A lot of things are going well, and a few things are needing some attention. The new hours are one of those good-but-still-needs-work situations.

Saturday, September 3, was the first time we’ve been open on the weekend since the COVID mess started to recede, and we had our first in-person Children’s Story Time. We had 18 people attend, and everyone enjoyed the experience. A similar-sized crowd returned last Saturday, and we saw more new faces.

That second Saturday was also the day of our used book sale, which brought in some desperately needed funds. I cannot express the gratitude in my heart at the generosity of the people who browsed our collection of used books. Our bookstore customers enjoyed our shopping policy of finding all the books they wanted and then paying what they felt the books were worth. It’s a great deal, and all the funds go into our operating account, which helps us to buy new books for our patrons.

The next book sale may be in October, or definitely in November, near Thanksgiving (details to come).

The new Wednesday night hours, however, need some thought. We’ve literally had one single patron come to the library in the first two weeks we’ve been open on Wednesday evenings. It’s time to try something else. Beginning next week, I will be making myself available from 5:30 - 6:30 for a free AMA Technical Support Hour. My background is in technology, and I often have a knack for fixing problems with phones, tablets and computers. AMA means Ask Me Anything, so if you are struggling with technology, bring it up here and we’ll try to figure it out together. Sometimes we might even fix your problem.

We have new donations coming in, which we desperately need in order to do some upgrades to our technology and furniture. Some of the movers and shakers in town are stepping up to help us bridge our budget gap, but if you can drop us a few bucks when you come by or when you go to the website, we’d appreciate it.

People ask me whether I am enjoying this new job, and all I can say is that this library gig is a blast. My heart is so full that I just might be in heaven.

Andrew Birden, Library Director

September-October Events

NAME THE NEWSLETTER CHALLENGE continues - This newsletter needs a name. We have a few entries, but we need a few more. I’d like to hear your suggestions for a name for this newsletter. If you have an idea, send it to

eBOOKS AREN'T SO BAD - You may not realize it, but you have access to thousands of additional books through the Cloud Library. One benefit is that an eBook reader app can make any book into a large print book. Join me so I can show you how to make reading an eBook less annoying and more like reading a real book. The seminar is How to browse, check out and read eBooks - Tuesday, September 27, 2-3. This is aimed at adults and seniors.

CHILDREN'S STORY TIME - Saturdays, 11-12.

FALLS PREVENTION - Thursday, September 29, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.. September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month. Join us on September 29 for an informational session from the Aroostook Agency On Aging. This session could prevent pain and heartache from an accident in the future.


WRITERS OF THE FIRST MILE - A writing composition group where we share and discuss our latest creative projects in a supportive and cheerful community is meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is October 12, 3:30-5:30.

AMA (Ask Me Anything) TECHNICAL SUPPORT HOUR - Want to know how to attach a file to your email, trying to change your ringtone, confused by what it means to cut-and-paste, just want to fling the laptop against the wall? Come by on Wednesday evenings from 5-6:30 and we’ll try to solve that.

New and Featured Books

Patrons Can Help

We need someone willing to be a gamemaster for the Teen RPG Club. This is for games like Dungeons and Dragons. If you are interested in teaching young people how to use tabletop RPGs, please see me. Also, if you have any used rulebooks, adventures and other gear (including dice), please consider donating those to the library.

We need funding for the following projects:

Four computers for patron usage and to replace the dinosaurs we currently have in the administrative area.

A 4-person carrel for study and mental privacy.

An electrician to install more power outlets upstairs.

The library is seeking copies of the following:

Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide.

A hardbound or paperback copy of Greenlights, by Matthew McConaughey

Paperback edition of First Lessons (A Medieval Tale) by Lina J. Potter (Author), Elizabeth Adams (Translator)

Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman

These items might already be in your “just finished” stack at home, or you can find them at Bogan Books, read them first, and then donate them to the library. How cool is that?

Featured Link To Awesome Information

Google Translate - Put the text you want to translate in one box, choose the language you want and voila! It’s so cool. Or should I say, “C'est trop cool”?

Services We Offer

Printing, copying and faxing

Free Wifi

Public indoor STEAM space

Meeting room

One-on-one technology help

If you have questions or comments, please respond to this email, call the library at 834-3048 or drop in and let us know how things are going.


Andrew Birden, Library Director

If you would like to receive this newsletter in your email, just sign up by sending us an email at



Fort Kent Public Library

1 Monument Square

Fort Kent, ME, USA 04743


Tuesday 12 to 5

Wednesday 1 to 7

Thursday 12 to 5

Friday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Sunday & Monday CLOSED


Phone: 207-834-3048

Friends of the Fort Kent Public Library

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